
Nashville Standard

Monday, September 23, 2024

There were 510 active legal licenses in ZIP Code 37243 as of August


There were 510 lawyers with active licenses to practice in ZIP Code 37243 as of August, according to the Supreme Court of Tennessee.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.

Tennessee saw the sixth-greatest growth of lawyers in the U.S. in 10 years, growing nearly 30 percent to more than 18,000 lawyers.

Tennessee lawyers reported an average of 53 hours of pro bono work - the second-highest among the states surveyed.

Tennessee has the 10th highest average salary for a lawyer in the U.S.

Not all lawyers with active licenses to practice are represented in the table below.

Lawyers in ZIP Code 37243 with active legal licenses in August
Lawyer NameYear of License Granted
Bryan Patrick Davidson2022
Gerard Francis Dolan2022
Jourdan Marissa Tonti2022
Lacey Mase2022
Quentin Taylor White2022
Ryan Nicole Henry2022
Stephanie Leann Brake2022
Travis James Royer2022
Adam Scott Bohanan2021
Amy Nicole Houchin2021
Casey Taylor Goggin2021
David Lee Shelley2021
Davis Wizugbo Nwankwo2021
Derl Philip Reed III2021
Erwin David Aguilera2021
Hannah Catherine Lackey2021
Holli McGehee Hagemeyer2021
Lovin Marie Middleton2021
Nattaly Diane Perryman2021
Rachel Kathleen Tierney2021
Rejul Bejoy2021
Shaun James Noblit2021
Taylor Morgan Hilton2021
Tyler John Demski2021
Clark Lassiter Hildabrand2020
Dylan Orion Rutherford2020
John David Murphy2020
Olivia Lee Spears2020
Amanda Leigh Pettry2019
Ashley Lynn Fine2019
Awni Arafat Filat2019
Brandon James Smith2019
Cody Nash Brandon2019
Ethan Joseph Copeland2019
Gloria Dianne Crawford2019
Hugh Phoenix Cross2019
James Jackson Todd2019
Jo Kathryn Robertson2019
Kandis Renea Deskins2019
Timothy Augustus Sweatman2019
Troy Bryant2019
Zachary Walker Brown2019
Caroline Caitlin Miller2018
David Michael Oldham II2018
Dawn Desiree Cummings2018
Jordan Alexander Anderson2018
Kevin Andrew Johnson2018
Kevin James Wieck2018
Kevin Michael McNelis2018
Korey Jones2018
Mallory Burrell Aurora2018
Matthew Daniel Cloutier2018
Megan Judith Gottschall2018
Ryan Anthony Tribuzi Mercurio2018
Sara Christopher Warner2018
Shaundraya Sheree Hersey2018
Alysse Nicole Layton2017
Andrea Lynn Smith2017
Andrew DeWitt Beeler2017
Anna Dmia Matlock2017
Aubrey David Gordon2017
Callan Bronniman Wilkerson2017
Danielle Marquie Young2017
Ellen Peilun Zhang2017
Grant Lemaster Ruhl2017
Jaxon Kyle MacGeorge2017
Jessica Cunningham Lim2017
Jonathan Erwin Haynes2017
Jonathan Patterson Terrell2017
Mallory Kathryn Schiller2017
Melissa Garrison Thomas2017
Miranda H. Jones2017
Richard Alexander Lewis2017
Ronald Lacey Coleman2017
Ryan Patrick Shanahan2017
Tara Inez Ray2017
Todd Eric Winters2017
William Hamner Leslie2017
Yashica Nekeya McArthur2017
Alexa Cassell Witcher2016
Allyson Clair Agee-Jodway2016
Benjamin Thomas Conrady2016
Brian Daniel Keller2016
Christopher Brian Cronk2016
Elizabeth Rebekah Stroecker2016
Elizabeth Swenson Deweese2016
Erica Leighann Smith2016
Erin Elizabeth Tatum2016
Jane Frances Salem2016
Kathryn Lindsey Held2016
Kelsey Jayne Bridges2016
Kimberly Jayne Stinson2016
Lillian Ann Dinwiddie2016
Lynn Alexander Sumner2016
Matthew Charles King2016
Michael Joseph Parker Jr.2016
Nicholas Scott Bolduc2016
Nicole Louise Craney2016
Rachel Elizabeth Suppé2016
Samantha Louise Simpson2016
Scott McCalmont Faragher2016
Sung Jae Lim2016
Suzanne Elizabeth Carr2016
Alex Gordon Corder2015
Andrew Richard Puryear2015
Breanna Zenova Pendilton2015
Bryn Lacey Henley2015
Candace Meagan Carter2015
Carter McAlister Lawrence Sr.2015
Chelsey Shull Vorholt2015
Christie Raye Taylor2015
Courtney Nicole Orr2015
Dustin Heath Brandon2015
Elizabeth Ann Bendell2015
Erick Robin Pope2015
Erin Frankrone Merrick2015
Geoffrey Elijah Gibbons2015
Jesse Lee Gentry2015
John Nathan Eichelman2015
Joshua Samuel Ferguson2015
Laura Elizabeth Hartsfield2015
Meredith Wood Bowen2015
Phillip Brock Sullivan2015
Sara Renee Page2015
Seannalyn Nicole Brandmeir2015
Vishan Jaiprakash Ramcharan2015
Benjamin Paul Glover2014
Catherine K. Henry2014
Claudia Lynn Byers2014
Daniel Scott Espensen2014
David Richard Leffard III2014
Deann Michelle Kilpatrick2014
Elyse Mae Nida2014
Gillian Leigh Jones2014
Jackie Lauren Ridenour2014
James Patrick Urban2014
John Joseph Williams Jr.2014
John Peter Murrey2014
Joshua Logan Houston2014
Katherine Casseley Redding2014
Keith Donald Minor2014
Laura Elizabeth Martin2014
Mark Jackson Hassett2014
Matthew Ray Gibbs2014
Melissa Dawn Louthen-Owens2014
Michael Cameron Himes2014
Michael Devaney Lewis2014
Olivia Lauren Walker2014
Patrick Lee Ren2014
Paul Eugene Richardson2014
Peyton Britt Smith2014
Rachel Ann Hitt2014
Robert Stroud Vaughn2014
William Bailey Kerby III2014
William Michael Varnell II2014
William Walker Wade2014
Zachary Thomas Hinkle2014
Andrew Benjamin McCoy2013
Courtney Anne Smith2013
Edward Carringer Spangler2013
Ellery Rene Richardson2013
Francine Ann Elizabeth Baca-Chavez2013
Grant Coleman Mullins2013
Gray Gilmer Nicar2013
Harry Johnson IV2013
Holly Renee Martin2013
Jacob Raymond Strait2013
James Woodard Hicks2013
Jamie Lynn Formont2013
John David Waddell2013
John Michael Hull2013
Jonathan Thomas Skrmetti2013
Katherine Beeland Barnes2013
Krista Judith Krueger2013
Lauren Wright Travis2013
Melanie Bradsher Koewler2013
Michael Matthew Stahl2013
Paetria Patrice Morgan2013
Rachel Erin Buckley2013
Rebecca Blair Beaty2013
Richard Davison Douglas2013
Robert Edward Crandall III2013
Robert Grant Clark2013
Robert William Mitchell2013
Thomas Austin Watkins2013
Todd Michael Madison2013
Audrey Marie Dorrough2012
Donna Michelle Fogarty2012
Ebony Connor2012
Garrett Edward Guillory2012
Harry Gregory Glass Jr.2012
Holly Lynne Troutman2012
Jeffrey Alan Vanderburg2012
Joel Christopher Hayes2012
Kasey Michelle Washburn2012
Martha Deeann Wingo2012
Nasser Antonio Niknejad2012
Nathan O'Neil Casey2012
Ryan James Hicks2012
Samuel Lawrence Moore2012
Stephanie Marie Crenshaw2012
Andrea Renee Haycraft2011
Andrew Berrien Love2011
Andrew Lee Wright2011
Andrew Wayne Dodd2011
Angela Catapano Sanders2011
Ashley Nichole Fuqua2011
Ashley Summer Carr2011
Brian Michael Clifford2011
Caroline Ross Tippens2011
Cherrelle Antoinnette Hooper2011
Christin Sullivan Lotz2011
Danielle Greer Lake2011
Eric Alexander Johnson2011
Jeffrey Dean Zentner2011
Jennifer Lynn Putnam2011
John Michael Stewart2011
Joyce Leigh Ferguson2011
Karen Stevenson Simo2011
Laura Taylor Smith2011
Lee Nelson Danley II2011
Lindsey Huber Wagner2011
Mary Katherine Bratton2011
Matthew Dee Barnes2011
Nicholas Alan Robinson2011
Reanna Lee Todd Lehnertz2011
Sarah Griffith Byrne2011
Sarah Y. Raybin2011
Shane Allen Hutton2011
Shannon Howell Mohundro2011
Tracy Lynn Alcock2011
Whitney Johnson Page2011
Aaron Clayton Hall2010
Alexander Stuart Rieger2010
Ashley Nation Griffith2010
Brittani Carol Kendrick2010
James Neal Daniel2010
Jason Alan Carney2010
Jennifer Alleva Young2010
Justin Blake Alford2010
Pablo Adrian Varela2010
Rachel Lea Powers2010
Rachel Lundeen Gatlin2010
Rachel Perkins Rieger2010
Scott Crawford Crawford-Sutherland2010
Shay Nicole Jolly2010
Toni P. Chadwick2010
William Freeman Miller2010
Angela Nicole Cross2009
Anthony Michael Glandorf2009
Brian David Mauk2009
Charity Miles Williams2009
Daniel Sullivan Koomen2009
George Richard Maifair2009
Heather Kimsey Iverson2009
James Auman Haltom2009
Joanna Claudine Roberts2009
Katherine Margaret Harper2009
Kertyssa Delynn Smalls2009
Kristin Holly Cantrell2009
Rachel Greer Appelt2009
Rachel Michelle Darby2009
Shauna Ales Jennings2009
Stephanie Ann Durman2009
Ashley Nicole Thomas2008
Heather Bennett Stanford2008
Jamie Lynn Shanks2008
Jenny Christian Taylor2008
Joshua Russell Eldridge2008
Kenneth Wyndham Stutts2008
Leslie Caren Shaffer South2008
Lindsay Haynes Sisco2008
Mark Lynn Garland2008
Mary Rachael Lee2008
Melissa Kimberly Van Pelt2008
Michael Thomas Harmon2008
Nicholas White Spangler2008
Robin Kathleen Littlefield2008
Shawn Martin Dehaven2008
Tabatha Inez Blackwell2008
Todd Anthony Staley2008
Troy Allen McPeak2008
Alicia Catherine Widrig2007
Andrei Bogdan Dumitrescu2007
Elizabeth A. Alvey2007
Elizabeth Ellen Foy2007
Emily Beth Vann2007
Joshua Franklin Stepp2007
Kathryn Evans Moss2007
Kelly David Young2007
Lara Elizabeth Gill2007
Marjorie Dawn Cameron2007
Mary Elizabeth McCullohs2007
Matthew Floyd Jones2007
Matthew Scott Sloan2007
Michael Thomas Begley2007
Peter James Abernathy2007
Stephen Matthew Smith2007
Abigail Leah Sparks2006
Allison Cleary Jennings2006
Ashley Joy Ball2006
Benjamin Denard Mickens2006
Christopher Allen Holt2006
Claudia R. F. Padfield2006
Elizabeth Barganier Insogna2006
Elizabeth Irene Henderson2006
Gordon Heath Boutwell2006
Jane Britt Warren2006
John Mark James2006
Jonathan Haston Wardle2006
Jonathan Lee Fly2006
Keith Jeremy Woodruff2006
Mark Kenneth Green2006
Michael Dennis Driver2006
Rachel Ann Riley-Coe2006
Regina Violet Nelson2006
Ryan Leslie McGehee2006
Shawna Eastman Elrod2006
Talley Ann Olson2006
Timothy Anson Drown2006
Alice Farr Shotwell2005
Bruce Michael Butler2005
Carey Elizabeth Kefauver2005
Jason William Sams2005
Jenny Lee Howard2005
Joshua Davis Baker2005
Keith Hamilton Brinkley2005
Kristen Bailey Wolf2005
Lauren Suzanne Lamberth2005
Madison Lisa Conquest2005
Megan Jolynn Moore2005
Randy Lee Dean2005
Rashonda Michelle Lewis2005
Rebekah Ann Parkhurst2005
Sarah Elizabeth Oschack Tarter2005
Shannon Renee Romain2005
Amy Marie Campbell-Pittz2004
Benjamin Anthony Ball2004
Brad Harris Buchanan2004
Brett Michael Gipson2004
Dawn McDermitt Gerhart2004
Nicholas August Brindle2004
Nicholas Kevin Burgett2004
Pele Ituau Godkin2004
Sharon Kay Kolb2004
Wilson Sinclair Buntin Esq.2004
Anastasia Parnham Campbell2003
Brian Roger Carroll2003
Doricia Coretta Crawford2003
Jennifer L. Brenner2003
Jeremy Gourley2003
Kassie Mingle Cearley2003
Lesley Denise Tate-Farmer2003
Mark Keith Goins2003
Mary Elizabeth Thomas2003
Michelle Beth Walker2003
Russell Fletcher Thomas2003
Sandra Lee Braber-Grove2003
Alison Geralynn Cleaves2002
Brent C. Cherry2002
Denise Ennis Cole2002
Dennis Wayne Gregory2002
Douglas Scott Garrett2002
Lizabeth Ann Hale2002
Toni L. Stuart2002
Brandon Owen Gibson2001
Gregory Thomas Young2001
James Shannon Barnhill2001
Jeffrey Ward Blackshear2001
Karen Denise Tolbert2001
Kimberly Mitchell Hagan2001
Masami Izumida Tyson2001
Phillip Roane Hilliard2001
Robert Aubrey Hagan2001
Susan Alexa Whittemore2001
April Nix Bowden2000
Dianna Kim Summers2000
Elizabeth Hart Bowling2000
Gill Robert Geldreich2000
James Edward Gaylord2000
Jerome Leonard Cochran2000
John Albert Hennessey Jr.2000
Kevin Charles Bartels2000
Michael Andrew Betts2000
Nicole Lynn Armstrong2000
Pamela Massey Spicer2000
Traci Leigh Thomas2000
Claudia McCool Lewis1999
Curtis Scott Sutton1999
David Hobson Findley1999
Emily Holloway Urban1999
Joseph Frederick Whalen III1999
Kimberly Lynn Fields Cooper1999
Leslie Elizabeth Price1999
Michael Leonard Underhill1999
Rachel Christine Nelley1999
Stephanie Smith Maxwell1999
Virginia Paige Edwards1999
Bruce Allen Poag1998
Cherry Dawn Williams1998
Daniel Alan Bailey1998
Elizabeth Driver Cambron1998
George Steven Bell III1998
John Henry Bledsoe III1998
Karen Helen Stachowski1998
Kelly Cashman-Grams1998
Lucian Downs Geise1998
Michael Benton Willey1998
Molly Rebecca Cripps1998
Sean Thomas McMinn1998
William Anthony Hullender1998
Aaron James Conklin1997
Craig Hargrow1997
Douglas David Himes1997
Eric Evan Rogers1997
Karen Jean Garrett1997
Russell Andrew Humphrey1997
Charles Sanders Herrell1996
David Bruce Balcom1996
David James Silvus1996
Douglas Earl Dimond1996
James Brooks Christoffersen1996
Jude Ann White1996
Kurt H. Garber1996
Leslie Ann Bruce1996
Mary Byrd E. Ferrara1996
Carolyn Underwood Smith1995
Christy Leanne Ballard1995
Clarence Eric Lutz1995
David Michael Dunavant1995
Elizabeth Ann Henry-Robertson1995
Gerry Dee Crownover1995
Isabelle Mary Maumus1995
Joyce Carter Ball1995
Julie Melinda Woodruff1995
Melinda Krisann Hodges1995
Michael Bryan Leftwich1995
Monica L. Smith-Ashford1995
Paige Annette Seals1995
Sarah Margaret Branch1995
Sohnia Whitney Hong1995
Elizabeth B. Minkoff1994
John William Dalton III1994
Mary Griffin1994
Brenda Renee' Lehman1993
Bryce Kent Coatney1993
Christy Ann Allen1993
Marvin Edwards Clements Jr.1993
Nancy R. McLean1993
Robin Adair Page1993
Daphne Ann Davidson1992
Maliaka Leah Bass1992
Margaret Dezanne Russell1992
Michael Troy Haley1992
Paul David Krivacka1992
Robert Mark Finks1992
Sue Ann Sheldon1992
Elvin Ross White1991
Laura T. Kidwell1991
Mary M. Collier1991
Patrick N. Parker IV1991
Stephen Ray Butler1991
Stephen Riley Darnell1991
Christi W. Branscom1990
Jeffrey Lynn Long1990
John Henry Reinbold1990
Mary Beth Franklyn1990
Sharon Kay Hawkins1990
Steven Rex Stout1990
Anna Pace Mueller1989
Janet Irene Morrisett Kleinfelter1989
Jeffrey Scott Pulley1989
Judith Anne O'Dell Woods1989
Marsha Patterson Anderson1989
Rachel Lynn Waterhouse1989
Timothy Ray Simonds1989
Anne Breier Pope1987
Laurie Lea Doty1987
Mary Patricia Roberts-Krause1987
Robert Rankin Davies1987
David Anthony Weeks Jr.1986
Elizabeth Ann Clark1986
Gregory Gonzales1986
Leslie Ann Bridges1985
Vance Lacy Broemel1985
Debra Kay Inglis1984
Mary Jo Price1984
Ronald W. McNutt1984
Elizabeth Parker McCarter1983
Mattielyn Beatrice Williams1983
Phyllis Ann Childs1983
Richard Marshall Murrell1983
Ted Michael Hayden1983
Stephen James Lusk1982
Andree Sophia Blumstein1981
Gus Roger Hutto Jr.1981
Michael Alan Meyer1981
David Hicks Lillard Jr.1980
David Neilson Burn1980
Herbert Harrison Slatery III1980
Steven Ashley Hart1980
Edward Joseph Sanders Jr.1979
Kenneth Marshall Switzer1977
Sara Elizabeth Sedgwick1976
John R. Smith1975
Patricia Lee Newton1975
Larry Kenneth Scroggs1971
Justin Potter Wilson1970
Patrick Alan Ruth1970
Francis Marion Bass Jr.1968



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